Fuel your chain
with Espresso
Espresso is the protocol for coordinated block building: enabling & incentivizing chains to work together as one unified system.


Blockchains are the best platforms that humanity has for open, composable innovation.

Espresso keeps them that way.
Fast finality for users' transactions
More secure than centralized preconfirmations and faster than L1 finality...

These aren't your old preconfirmations. Finality on the Espresso Network enables a faster, more robust level of finality than you can get from chains today.
When our incentives align
Espresso is a protocol that not only enables chains to coordinate, but incentivizes them to do so.

Chains that integrate Espresso offer a better developer & user experience. They retain their sovereignty. And they create & capture revenue for their stakeholders that they would not otherwise.
Apps that work together like legos
Regardless of what chain the application is built on.

One of the big breakthroughs of blockchains lies in offering developers openly composable platforms. The rise of rollups, app chains, and beyond threatens to break that composability. Espresso fixes this. (No really, it does.)

We're building for:

App Developers
Stop sweating over where to deploy and get back to building.

Build a chain (or pick a chain) that uses Espresso to get composability with other apps and platforms, while also safeguarding your sovereignty, scalability, and sequencer revenue.
Fuel your Chain
Choose chains, bridges, and apps that are fueled by Espresso for the open, interoperable experience you wanted from Web3 in the first place.
New lines of revenue: whether you are a block builder bidding in the Espresso Marketplace or a node operator securing the Espresso Network.

How Espresso Works

Capture Value
Chains sell the right to sequence transactions for their system, increasing the potential value they can capture for their ecosystems.
Stay Sovereign
Chains can opt in and out of the Espresso Marketplace for any given timeslot. Chains can also set a minimum price that must be met by the marketplace.
Fast Finality
The Espresso Network provides decentralized, economically-secured preconfirmations to chains, offering faster bridging experiences and beyond.


Chains choose to coordinate because it is the best decision for their stakeholders, developers, & users.